Day of War Review

Mighty Men: “Day of War” Book Review

From the back cover: “Day of War is the first book in the Lion of War series–the intense, gritty, and stylistic portrayal of the Mighty Men of Israel, a ragtag band of warriors …” And it delivers. Wow. This is the REAL David, and the REAL Mighty Men. This is the warrior, not the watered-down, […]

Chris Telfer MATTOO

Music, Man, and a Message

Soulful. Heartfelt. Selfless. I am a huge fan of Chris Telfer, who has been a friend since we met in Peru years ago. He’s a musician whose music has so much impact and heart in it, you can can’t just sit and listen without being affected.

CT Studd - Missionary, Stud

What a Studd

An Etcetera Evangelist is one called of God to go forth to evangelise in some part of the unevangelized world at all costs and risks. He counts not his life as of any account dear unto himself.


3 Reasons Why Hard Work is Hard

Sometimes our heart has to override our head. Sometimes the smashed thumb, instead of giving us a reason to quit, can remind us what it’s like to be alive.

Why Africa

Why Africa?

This week I am in Lira, Uganda at G42 Africa. I am teaching on topics such as leadership, servanthood, “followership,” & church planting. I love this. I love traveling. I love new places, new smells, new tastes, new languages, new cultures, new experiences. But I also love teaching and connecting people who have a dream […]

Boy jumping - What the World Needs

What the World Needs

I’m teaching in Uganda next week, as part of our inaugural class of G42Africa. It will be the first time I teach in Africa, so I am trying to get advice from folks on everything from style, to topics, to cultural differences. Although I will be teaching on the main topics of Servanthood, Excellence, Building […]

Braveheart Mel Gibson "FREEDOM!"

FREEEEEDOM! A New Generation of Christian.

This is a continuation (after a long break) of my series on a New Generation of Christian. Starting with Character, I continued with Courage and Security. Next in this series of attributes that I think are necessary for a new generation of Christians, is Freedom.   I was recently talking to some church leaders about […]

Burn The Boats. Commitment.

Burn. The. Boats.

Jesus sometimes said some wacky stuff. At the end of Luke chapter 9, it’s a bit shocking when he tells his followers not to say goodbye to their parents or to ‘let the dead bury the dead.’ When Jesus talked about hating your parents and picking up your cross, he wasn’t trying to tell his […]


Honesty When It Hurts

I was preparing to write a blog post about being a “real man” this past weekend… I went up the mountain and chopped some wood. Woo Hoo. But as I sat down to write, I couldn’t write it. My mind kept calling “BS.” It wouldn’t let me get away with it. So I am going […]