Getting My Discipline Back

For almost fifteen years of my life, I was used to getting up before sunrise, showering, shaving every day, putting on my uniform that I had starched and ironed the night before, eating breakfast, and driving to work all before the sun cracked the horizon. Every day. Without fail. Burning through razor blades and cans […]

I'm A Fraud


It’s been a while since I’ve posted something, so thanks for waiting patiently. I’ve been pretty productive these past few weeks, and I promise to give you a peek with my next post. But a thought has been developing in my brain for a few days now, and it’s something that I should share with […]

Five Ways to Promote Yourself

I am in the midst of a pretty big role change at G42, and with it comes some lessons learned that might be useful to you too. Since 2009, I’ve been the behind the scenes tactician at the G42 Leadership Academy, working on everything from paperwork to strategy to curriculum to house maintenance. In the […]


3 Reasons Why Hard Work is Hard

Sometimes our heart has to override our head. Sometimes the smashed thumb, instead of giving us a reason to quit, can remind us what it’s like to be alive.



Have you ever been in a place in your life when too many options didn’t help, but instead stopped you from making a decision? I apologize for the lack of blog posts these past weeks. My life is in a [good] transition phase and I have many options I can pursue as I move forward. […]

Serve someone. Learn from someone.

4 Reasons [Not] to Start a New Nonprofit

I get this question all of the time. Should I start something new or join something that is already started? This is [not] my answer: You must start a new non-profit. And here’s four reasons why: Photo Credit: GS+ 1. Even though there is another non-profit that is practically identical to your idea, you don’t […]

Why Africa

Why Africa?

This week I am in Lira, Uganda at G42 Africa. I am teaching on topics such as leadership, servanthood, “followership,” & church planting. I love this. I love traveling. I love new places, new smells, new tastes, new languages, new cultures, new experiences. But I also love teaching and connecting people who have a dream […]

Boy jumping - What the World Needs

What the World Needs

I’m teaching in Uganda next week, as part of our inaugural class of G42Africa. It will be the first time I teach in Africa, so I am trying to get advice from folks on everything from style, to topics, to cultural differences. Although I will be teaching on the main topics of Servanthood, Excellence, Building […]