Introducing… Fun Friday!

Okay, so my plan is to give my devoted, loyal, and quite handsome readers a blog each Friday with some fun links and sites gathered in my internet surfing. research. I usually have some pretty heavy topics, and although I try not to come across too intense, I realize that a lot of my topics are very …um… challenging. So for Fridays, I hope to bring a little light-heartedness and relax a little. The plan is to feature fun, unique, or creative websites, funny videos, interesting links, and a “blog of the week” from one of the blogs I follow.
Just Go.

Photo: Hernan Churba(Warning: Flash!)

Cool Site of the Week

Bellarive. Jaw-dropping, heart stirring music and brilliant videography. I stumbled onto this site and it grabbed me from the start.
Thanks Tim for the link.

Video of the Week

This is really cool, I stumbled onto it at ChurchCreate.

Tempest Freerunning Academy

Blog of the Week

I wish I were a better writer… Julien Smith put it well in his blog Why You Should Quit the Internet. I find myself behind the computer a lot, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to get away from it from time to time. This may not help my goal of increasing my blog readership, but I believe it nonetheless. (Thanks to Jeff Goins for the heads up on a great blog.)