A Father and Sun

You Won’t Do It. The Challenge of Initiation.

This blog is the conclusion of my series on initiation. You can start the series here: Boys Need An Initiation. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series and been challenged by it. I have. With a 3-year old son, I realize that the lessons I am teaching him now set the foundation for his development in […]

Masai Initiation Ritual

You Are Going To Die. Initiation, part 5.

I’ve been talking about initiation over the past couple of weeks. (To catch up, start here: Boys Need an Initation) The final element necessary for a rite of initiation: a “death” to the boy, and an emergence of the man. There needs to be revelation of the reality of life, through a recognition of our […]

You Are Not That Important. Initation, Part 2.

This blog is part of my continuing series on initiation. Please check out part one, which gives an introduction and talks about how we have to show boys that Life Is Hard   “All I know is that there IS a God, and I’m not him.” – Author Unknown God Doesn’t Owe You Anything I […]

Boys Need An Initiation: It Should Leave A Mark.

There’s something missing in many “guys” these days. An initiation. It’s a byproduct of a lot things: the failure or absence of fathers, and the false initiation of video games and high-school cliques to name a few. College doesn’t initiate, sports teams and fraternaties are a shadow of it, some gap years and mission trips […]

Dave and his girls

Seven Rules For Dating My Daughters

So I think this time together with my daughters is critical… I call them our “dates” together, and yes, we often talk about how I think they should be treated by boys as they get older, and how they can safely confide with me and Rebecca, and how they should be growing and learning as a young girl should. But it is stressful to have a daughter, and of course I want her to be safe.