Creating Antiochs

ANTIOCH. New Church, part 1.

I’ve attended some brilliant churches in the past, filled with life, love, servanthood, and true family. I’ve served in many roles in the church, and I may do so again… But “traditional church” became a routine for me that once I noticed it, I couldn’t break through the order of service into a true connection […]

Woman Singing in Church

God’s Timing

I had it all planned out. I was on a mission to find my “perfect Christian” wife. So I went to every evangelical church in Atlanta, Georgia and San Angelo, Texas ( Pretty random, I know, but I was in Air Force training at the time ) looking for Mrs. Right. I would scope out […]

Braveheart Mel Gibson "FREEDOM!"

FREEEEEDOM! A New Generation of Christian.

This is a continuation (after a long break) of my series on a New Generation of Christian. Starting with Character, I continued with Courage and Security. Next in this series of attributes that I think are necessary for a new generation of Christians, is Freedom.   I was recently talking to some church leaders about […]

Remember Pews?

Don’t Pray About This.

I recently had a conversation with a friend who was praying to see if God wanted them to start a church in their city. My immediate response? God’s answer is…