Everything is a Test

Everything is a Test.

Iraq, Oh-Dark-Thirty: Our group touched down early in the wee hours of the morning at our destination, stretching our legs and backs after 8+ hours sleeping under trucks or in any flat and smooth spaces we could find in a cavernous C-17 transport aircraft. We were met by the Sergeant Major, who got us settled […]

Crossing Your No Man's Land

Crossing Your No-Mans-Land

I can feel the compression of my vertebre under the weight of body armor, gear, radios, ammo, and water. About 40 pounds, I think–but this is a short patrol and we aren’t taking packs, so at least that’s a bonus…

Leadership is about people.

It’s The People, Stupid.

As leaders and leaders-in-training, our focus has long been the bottomline: “How can I meet our team/business/organizational goals?” Success has equated to how much money we bring in, how many people we’ve been able to talk to, minister to, or compel to do something. We categorize leaders as effective when their product comes in on […]


Followership. No matter where we are on the spectrum of leadership, whether Private First Class, CEO, President or street sweeper, there is always someone we are following. Followership takes servanthood one step further, to apply the tenets of a servant’s heart to a teamwork structure. Can you work together in a team? Can you follow […]

How To Write A Mission Statement

How To Write A Mission Statement

So you know the direction you want to take for your business, non-profit, church, or organization? You have a vision for a better world, now you need to provide marching orders for your team and employees. Converting your vision into a mission statement isn’t hard, but it is important. A mission statement encapsulates everything that […]

Five Ways to Promote Yourself

I am in the midst of a pretty big role change at G42, and with it comes some lessons learned that might be useful to you too. Since 2009, I’ve been the behind the scenes tactician at the G42 Leadership Academy, working on everything from paperwork to strategy to curriculum to house maintenance. In the […]


3 Reasons Why Hard Work is Hard

Sometimes our heart has to override our head. Sometimes the smashed thumb, instead of giving us a reason to quit, can remind us what it’s like to be alive.

Fun Friday, 24 June

Since I missed last week’s Fun Friday, I will double your fun with an expanded edition … Sites of the Week First up, some fun: try Flower Power. I have just started reading this book, another great one from Stephen Pressfield. The Warrior Ethos. It’s available to read online, or you can order the ebook, […]