Creating Antiochs

ANTIOCH. New Church, part 1.

I’ve attended some brilliant churches in the past, filled with life, love, servanthood, and true family. I’ve served in many roles in the church, and I may do so again… But “traditional church” became a routine for me that once I noticed it, I couldn’t break through the order of service into a true connection […]

Free Burma Rangers

Life on the Battlefront

Sometimes I wonder about what it would really be like to be on the forefront of the battle of good-vs-evil in this world. To do hard things. To make a difference against evil. My time in Iraq gave me a taste of it, that I’ve never forgotten. But now as a civilian, how can I […]

Global Adventure Round-The-World Mission

We Need An Adventure

Years of working with children, then youth, and now young (and not-so-young) adults has led me to a conclusion. We All Need An Adventure. An adventure of risk, an adventure of faith, an adventure of learning, an adventure of experience, and an adventure that will shape us for a lifetime. So many of us have […]

CT Studd - Missionary, Stud

What a Studd

An Etcetera Evangelist is one called of God to go forth to evangelise in some part of the unevangelized world at all costs and risks. He counts not his life as of any account dear unto himself.

Serve someone. Learn from someone.

4 Reasons [Not] to Start a New Nonprofit

I get this question all of the time. Should I start something new or join something that is already started? This is [not] my answer: You must start a new non-profit. And here’s four reasons why: Photo Credit: GS+ 1. Even though there is another non-profit that is practically identical to your idea, you don’t […]

Braveheart Mel Gibson "FREEDOM!"

FREEEEEDOM! A New Generation of Christian.

This is a continuation (after a long break) of my series on a New Generation of Christian. Starting with Character, I continued with Courage and Security. Next in this series of attributes that I think are necessary for a new generation of Christians, is Freedom.   I was recently talking to some church leaders about […]

Pioneer Family

The Pioneer Spirit

I have recently been reading stories of pioneers moving into the Western United States. These families or adventurers were lured away from their cozy homes, villages, towns, and farms for one reason: the mystery. They had no idea what they were going into, just rumors and legends. The only thing they knew for certain was […]

Don't Let Your Dreams Get Outflanked (image)

Don’t Let Your Dream Get Outflanked

Here’s the next installment in my “Military Leadership Series” … lessons learned through my experience as a military officer that apply to everyday leadership situations. In armored warfare, tanks are supported by an extensive array of support vehicles, from combat engineers to ammunition resupply to fuel trucks. One of the limitations of an armored tank […]