Eleanor Roosevelt and I…


I don’t usually go around spouting Eleanor Roosevelt quotes, but this one is a good one:

‘Do one thing every day that scares you”

Today we sold some things at the flea market in nearby Fuengirola.

AAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!11!1!       (Not actually my photo, but you get the idea)

For us to reserve a place in the large market, I had to drop off the van yesterday afternoon and then go back early this morning (6:00 am) to set up.  Well, the bus wasn’t running that early so I had to go down the mountain on my bicycle…

I bombed down that mountain, switchbacks and all!  Thank goodness there was hardly any traffic.  I had to use my trusty Petzl headlight to see, since the light on my bike didn’t work.  It was nuts–talk about adrenaline!

AAAAAaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!11!1! (Not actually my photo, but about the same idea)

But I made it safely and we made some spending money by selling some of our old furniture and clothes…