Well, after about 3 years, here is an installment of Fun Friday. Most of my posts around here are pretty serious, if not downright intense, so just to show I am not a robot, I will try and spice life up with some more light-hearted fare.
Here is a link to the last Fun Friday post I wrote: Fun Friday is back. The great thing is, it’s just as great today as it was 3 years ago!
Music of the Week
Invincible from Two Steps From Hell is a truly awesome soundtrack to work to. This group makes backing music to movies and movie trailers. One listen and you’ll realize why–their sound is immense. They are part of the reason I have a standing desk in my office–I can’t sit down while listening!
Blog of the Week
What Used the Darling Ones to Do?” by Callie Oettiger on Steven Pressfield‘s blog (which by the way, is a great blog for aspiring writers)
…and then there’s always an old post of mine that you might enjoy:
What Legacy Are We Leaving?
News of the Week
Video of the Week
It’s amazing what you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.