Fun Friday, 3 June

Hello everyone! I am going out of town this weekend to speak about initiation, passion, and missions (imagine that!) so I will get a chance to post this blog using my WordPress app for the iTouch. Hopefully this works!

Site of the Week

This takes a while to load, but it’s perfect for Fun Friday… a great fun timewaster…

Site #2. It took me a while to figure out what exactly this was… but it made it that much cooler once I figured it out.

Blog of the Week

I’m a friend and a big fan of Jeff Goins, who blogs on writing, creating, and changing the world. He has been money these days with his blogs, and for anyone who wants to improve their written and electronic communication, his site is a must. Some good ones:

The Most Overlooked Secret to Influencing People
How to Tell a Compelling Story in Three Steps

and some classics…
7 Tips for Effective Writing
How to Write Like a Pro and Stop Sounding Stupid

Video of the Week

Imaginary Phone…

Finally…. I saw this guy in person at Parc Guell, Barcelona… he has an amazing sound.

Yerko Fuenzalida Lorca from The Busking Project on Vimeo.