This post is an update on this blog where I challenged myself (and readers) to have some real relationships. My goal was to fight back against invisibility–to have actual contact with people outside of the internet, Twitter, and Facebook. Well, so far, so good:
Photo Credit: Liu Bolin
Challenge #1: Write an email to a Twitter follower/followee
I actually wrote two emails here, to two different bloggers I admire and respect. The first was to Jeff Goins, who blogs on writing, blogging, and creativity. He is a friend who has recently been expanding his platform on writing and blogging.
I asked him for tips on fine-tuning my blog and my own platform. He sent me an email containing an excellent exercise on focusing my blog topic… his response to me became a blog this week on his site and others: Jeff Goins, Writer.
The second email was to John Saddington the author of the Tentblogger blog. He blogs about his experiences as a full-time professional blogger and teaches his readers how to become a successful blogger. I asked him for feedback on my blog style. He had some great feedback for me, which is good for all of us:
Make sure your blog loads quickly (mine was loading a bit too slowly)
Make sure you have a memorable name, but one that is easy to spell too (“warriorshepherd” is a little long, so if you don’t want to type it each time, why not subscribe via email or RSS feed.
Make sure your theme is up to snuff ( I really like this one, it’s Aparatus by FearlessFlyer )
Challenge #2: Phone an old friend on Facebook.
I have to admit I haven’t done this one yet. Stay tuned for part 3!
Challenge #3: Write hand-written letters to family.
My wife and I took one morning this past week to write letters to friends and family to provide an update on our family and work here in Spain as we lead a Christian missional training center called the G42 Leadership Academy. Connecting and communicating with people who have invested into our lives is critical to continuing our work here. Depending on the mood of the Spanish mailing system, they should begin to receive their letters next week.
Alright, your turn… how have you done? Or are you going to accept the challenge? Let me know how it turns out.