So What Happens Here at G42?

Here’s another blog I’d like to highlight from one of our interns.  It gives a great synopsis of what is going on here at the Leadership Academy.  I have to say, we break the mold and any expectations that most people have of this place!  Shanda Dodd is one of our “second termers” here in Mijas and she is doing exactly what we hope for every intern: Shanda is making a plan and a team to put into reality God’s dream and calling for her life. She is developing a bed & breakfast/hostel/cafe to minister to tourists, short term missions teams, missionaries in need of rest & rejuvenation, and missionary kids who are looking for a fun summer camp.

Shanda is currently looking for ministry sponsors and financial supporters for this vision.  If you would like to donate to her, please go to and annotate your donation for “Shanda Dodd Ministry Fund” or “Arise Bed and Breakfast.”  Your donations for G42 ministry projects like this are tax-deductible…

So here’s Shanda’s Latest Blog:

So what happens here at G42? What do we do with our time here in Mijas?

Today I cooked spaghetti for 15 people and ate dinner around a big table .with good food and good conversation…

A few days before that I was at Ikea helping pick out the furniture, blankets, rugs, etc. for the 16 new interns that are beginning this semester…

A few days before that I was getting ready for a Christmas Eve party with 30 people from the community…

A few days before that I was at a local soup kitchen serving Christmas dinner to 30 members of the homeless community…

A few days before that I was sitting in class listening to Andrew talk about covenant and the importance of it in our lives in relation to God and those around us….

A few days before that I was playing with one of my teacher’s children…

A few days before that I was going over a business plan project with one of my professors at a local cafe…
A few days before that I was talking with the other interns about walking out our destinies, following God at all costs, and living each moment as though we are co-heirs with Christ…
A few days before that I was sitting in our garage/classroom taking notes on leadership and servanthood…

A few days before that I was pouring over Revelation and trying to decipher God’s meaning….
A few days before that I was in Barcelona helping to renovate an apartment for a church/community center…

A few days before that I was praying over a fellow intern who was going through a hard time…
A few days before that I was challenged to dream big and seek out God’s will for my life…
Each day is different, each moment is special, and through it all God is here. He’s in our teachings, our prayer sessions, our worship times, and even our nightly dinners as a community. God is big and each day I get to see a bigger, more complete picture of Him through my time here in Spain and the people that surround me.
Each day I wake up and know that I am right where God wants me and I couldn’t be happier about it!