Yahweh, Creator, God, I AM, … Friend?!

All-powerful.  All-knowing.  Eternal.  Creator of the universe, and everything that is in it.

Eternal.  Perfect.  Just.  Merciful.  Loving.

God of the Angel Armies.  (my personal favorite, obviously.)

All of these would describe, in the view of the vast majority of the world, the God of the universe.   He is also called Yahweh, and has called himself “I AM.”  If you can wrap your mind around that– “I AM,” that basically sums it up.  He is.  He was before time began, and we be forever.  He doesn’t change, and His promises from thousands of years ago still are true today.

And he’s my friend.

From the Sistine Chapel

God is Seeking for Us

Heavenly Father, yes.  I respect and fear His awesome power, yes.  But still, He is my friend and He desperately seeks for my heart.  And yours.  We sung “I am a friend of God” the other day at church, which got me to thinking.  I have to admit, it took a while for me to agree to the words of this song… my first thought was, “Who are we to say that the all-powerful creator, the Father, is ‘our buddy’?” 

But Abraham was a friend of God (Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23), and I am a descendant of Abraham, heir to the promises of God, and there’s no reason that I can’t be a friend of God.

“I’m With The Big Guy.”

Think back to middle school now … … how great was it when “the cool guy,” or the biggest guy in the class (maybe he skipped a few grades) was your friend?  You could walk around, head held high, not worried about what others thought and not in fear of harm.  [Okay, maybe it was just me… but go with me here.]

Now, multiply that by about …oh … infinity.  

Take a minute and think about that. 


I don’t think we actually think about our inheritance, our standing in the universe, often enough.  If we just actually accept his love, which he gives unconditionally and graciously, we can walk with our heads held high, not afraid of what the world has to throw at us.  Not afraid of what people think of us.  Because we know, that we are friends of God and can have a personal relationship with him through his Son.