Fun Friday, Good Friday edition

I admit that on the Christian calendar, Good Friday is really rather a somber occasion… but since we already know the end of the story, (hint: We Win This Thing) I’m going to go ahead and continue the tradition I started last week … welcome back to Fun Friday, where we can relax a little…

Cool Site of the Week

My good friend Seth Barnes at Adventures in Missions has created Kingdom Dreams to empower, coach, and finance the dreams of young (and old) who are trying to make an impact for the message of Christ in this world. He puts together people with visions and passions, first with coaches to provide mentorship throughout the planning stages, but also provides tools and resources to get these dreams of the paper and into reality.

Video of the Week

Wow. How cool is this? I want one.

Blog of the Week

This was good timing… I am teaching on servanthood and being a good follower next week, so Michael Hyatt’s blog, Why the Best Leaders are Great Followers is a great lead-in. I completely agree: to be a great leader, you must be willing to serve, you have to be willing to get your hands dirty.