Everything is a Test

Everything is a Test.

Iraq, Oh-Dark-Thirty: Our group touched down early in the wee hours of the morning at our destination, stretching our legs and backs after 8+ hours sleeping under trucks or in any flat and smooth spaces we could find in a cavernous C-17 transport aircraft. We were met by the Sergeant Major, who got us settled […]



Have you ever been in a place in your life when too many options didn’t help, but instead stopped you from making a decision? I apologize for the lack of blog posts these past weeks. My life is in a [good] transition phase and I have many options I can pursue as I move forward. […]

Boy jumping - What the World Needs

What the World Needs

I’m teaching in Uganda next week, as part of our inaugural class of G42Africa. It will be the first time I teach in Africa, so I am trying to get advice from folks on everything from style, to topics, to cultural differences. Although I will be teaching on the main topics of Servanthood, Excellence, Building […]

Burn The Boats. Commitment.

Burn. The. Boats.

Jesus sometimes said some wacky stuff. At the end of Luke chapter 9, it’s a bit shocking when he tells his followers not to say goodbye to their parents or to ‘let the dead bury the dead.’ When Jesus talked about hating your parents and picking up your cross, he wasn’t trying to tell his […]

America - the caricature


I am back in the States this week, after two years in Spain. Unfortunately, due to the kids’ school and the ridiculous costs of airfare, it’s just me. But I’ve got some great opportunities to share about G42, initiation, and leadership, and what my family has been doing in the community of Mijas Pueblo, Spain. […]

Book Review: Poke the Box by Seth Godin

The latest offering from Seth Godin, Poke the Box, is his manifesto on starting. It resides somewhere between a high-tempo motivational speech and a swift kick in the butt. We should all read this quick book, and then pass it on.