The Opposite of a Mid-Life Crisis

I’ve had a few interesting reactions recently and people questioning our decision to give up our secure Air Force life and make such a drastic lifestyle change, and it made me think… Some may look at this like a mid-life crisis of sorts, like we’re selling all of our belongings or going on a round-the-world trip, or worse yet, joining a cult or something. 

I assure you, this is not a mid-life crisis.  In fact, it’s the opposite–my mind has never been more focused, more passionate, more excited about what we’re about to do.  Yes, we have simplified our lives and gotten rid of a lot of “stuff”.  And Yes, we are entering a life of community and adventure with G42 training centers, the World Race, and orphan villages. 

It is drastic to give up the easy life, health insurance, and a pension.  But it is well worth it to raise my family to live their lives for Christ, living totally for Him and relying on Him.

Want to learn more about G42, or “The 42nd Generation”? Check out this post: The 42nd Generation, part 1.