The 42nd Generation (part 1)

In the past, I’ve mentioned our non-profit, “G42” and you may have noticed “The 42nd Generation” as one of my blog categories… but I’m not sure if I’ve described what I mean by this phrase.

The concept of the 42nd Generation is initially taken from Matthew chapter 1, the genealogy of Jesus Christ. If you’re like me, you’ve probably skimmed that genealogy to get to the good stuff like the birth of Jesus.

But I’ll give you a second to pull up the genealogy in Matthew 1:1-17. Then another 15 seconds to actually count the men in that genealogy. (hint: there are 41.)

But then verse 17 says:

there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah

14+14+14= (drumroll please) 42.

Okay…. So either Matthew couldn’t count, or he was trying to make a point about the generations leading to Jesus Christ, the messiah.
Overlook Grand CanyonPhoto Credit: Wolfgang Staudt

Jesus, Son of Man, is the 41st Generation

Jesus, son of Mary, born in Bethlehem, was completely human. He went through the same growing process as we all did: learning, making friends, scraping his knee, and becoming initiated as a man into the Jewish culture. He had the same temptations we did and basically lived a “normal life.”

Jesus is a historical figure–no one would argue his place in history or the effect that he has had on spirituality, on values, morals, and ethics. But that’s not the complete story.

Christ, Son of God, is the 42nd Generation

Now, the mysterious part–Jesus was also completely God. Introduced by the Holy Spirit and the Father’s voice from heaven, his baptism kickstarted his ministry. His resurrection from the dead, defeating sin, confirmed his Messiah-ness.

So Jesus, 100% human, is also Christ, 100% God. and man. At the same time. This was his destiny, this was the plan, for him to step into his authority as the Son of God and bring a Message of love and redemption to Earth. Same. as. you.

Christ, formed in you.

Jump to Galatians 4. Paul is talking about heirs, sons, inheritance, and how Christ can be formed in us. Christ=42nd Generation=Us.1

Therefore, we can also be the 42nd Generation. The generation that accepts our inheritance. The generation that accepts our son-ship as “joint heirs” to bring redemption to broken lives, light to dark places, and life to dead things.

All of the power, all of the authority, all of the inheritance of the Kingdom of God is ours through Christ and his sacrifice and defeat of sin and evil. That is the essence of the 42nd Generation.

Easy, right? In my next post, I will describe how we practically walk out this concept in G42.



1. Whoa, now, simmer down. I am not saying we are Christ or God, but I am saying, like Paul did… that we can be “clothed with Christ” and like Christ said, that we can have his authority and power here on Earth.