Free Burma Rangers

Life on the Battlefront

Sometimes I wonder about what it would really be like to be on the forefront of the battle of good-vs-evil in this world. To do hard things. To make a difference against evil. My time in Iraq gave me a taste of it, that I’ve never forgotten. But now as a civilian, how can I […]

Fishing Net

The 8 Most Inspiring Words in the Bible

And one day he walked down a beach, and shouted to two strangers: two brothers fishing by the Sea of Galilee. His cryptic words were these:
Follow me, and I will make you Fishers of Men


A Network of Friends

Back in February of 2011, I kicked off my revamped blog with a post entitled, “It Takes A Network.” In it, I stated that there is power in a network of mutually supporting, like-minded people and organizations. I my work, I’ve always said that the greatest thing I bring to the table is the desire […]

Global Adventure Round-The-World Mission

We Need An Adventure

Years of working with children, then youth, and now young (and not-so-young) adults has led me to a conclusion. We All Need An Adventure. An adventure of risk, an adventure of faith, an adventure of learning, an adventure of experience, and an adventure that will shape us for a lifetime. So many of us have […]

Day of War Review

Mighty Men: “Day of War” Book Review

From the back cover: “Day of War is the first book in the Lion of War series–the intense, gritty, and stylistic portrayal of the Mighty Men of Israel, a ragtag band of warriors …” And it delivers. Wow. This is the REAL David, and the REAL Mighty Men. This is the warrior, not the watered-down, […]

CT Studd - Missionary, Stud

What a Studd

An Etcetera Evangelist is one called of God to go forth to evangelise in some part of the unevangelized world at all costs and risks. He counts not his life as of any account dear unto himself.

Why Africa

Why Africa?

This week I am in Lira, Uganda at G42 Africa. I am teaching on topics such as leadership, servanthood, “followership,” & church planting. I love this. I love traveling. I love new places, new smells, new tastes, new languages, new cultures, new experiences. But I also love teaching and connecting people who have a dream […]

Pioneer Family

The Pioneer Spirit

I have recently been reading stories of pioneers moving into the Western United States. These families or adventurers were lured away from their cozy homes, villages, towns, and farms for one reason: the mystery. They had no idea what they were going into, just rumors and legends. The only thing they knew for certain was […]

A Battle to Fight

I wrote a post last week about Chris Jeon, a UCLA student who decided it would be a good idea to go to Libya to fight in the revolution there, without any training or (seeming) forethought. I was surprised by the reaction I received; the majority of feedback I received thought this guy was more […]