I love my blog. I hate my blog.

I hate my blog. I love my blog.

I’ve been writing this blog for five months now, and it’s time for some reflection. I personally committed to “giving it a go,” and really tried to learn from people like Jeff Goins, John Saddington, and Bryan Allain, to name drop a few. I’ve learned a lot in this past five months, about me, my […]

Blog with your Audience in Mind

Blog With Your Audience In Mind.

This is the first in my series entitled, I really don’t know what I’m doing blogging, so most of this is just my opinion. One thing I do as I write my blogs is to imagine my audience reading my blog post. Sometimes, I have a specific person in mind as I write a blog… […]

Relax. A Note To Myself.

  Dear Dave, Slow Down. Enjoy the Moment. Your kids aren’t going to be young forever. One day, they’ll be quiet. One day, they will sit on couches and not jump on them. One day, they will stop coming into your bed. And you’re going to miss the noise, the bouncing, and the snuggles. Ease […]

Who’s Got the Keys?

I was running across our little village, keys in hand. For some reason, the spares were no where to be found so I was running with the keys and the thought crossed my mind: “Why does it always come to me to save the day?” but then almost immediately I thought to myself: Am I […]

Our Invisible Life (part 2)

This post is an update on this blog where I challenged myself (and readers) to have some real relationships. My goal was to fight back against invisibility–to have actual contact with people outside of the internet, Twitter, and Facebook. Well, so far, so good: Photo Credit: Liu Bolin Challenge #1: Write an email to a […]

Don't Let Your Dreams Get Outflanked (image)

Don’t Let Your Dream Get Outflanked

Here’s the next installment in my “Military Leadership Series” … lessons learned through my experience as a military officer that apply to everyday leadership situations. In armored warfare, tanks are supported by an extensive array of support vehicles, from combat engineers to ammunition resupply to fuel trucks. One of the limitations of an armored tank […]

Our Invisible Life

Please God let me not become invisible. How, you say, could someone become invisible? When our online “lives” encompass so much? Why, I’m on Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn and Flikr and YouTube and MySpace and I have a blog…. And if you add up my Facebook friends and my Twitter followers and LinkedIn whatevers, […]

Are You Growing?

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” — Will Rogers To be honest, I’ve been feeling a little… stagnant lately. Sometimes I feel like I am on cruise control, and it really starts to annoy me. Are you growing? Growing as a person? Growing as a […]

A Review of Do The Work, by Stephen Pressfield

Book Review: Do The Work

Written from a writer’s point of view, but applicable to a wide range of professions and projects, Pressfield writes personably, as a friend and advisor. The book’s length is perfect, filled with real-world examples from his own life and others’ lives to portray his points, but he doesn’t drag on, he gets right to the point: The Resistance is real, it will try to stop you, but it can be beaten