A Message of Hope

As you read this, I am teaching again at G42 Africa, our leadership training program in Lira, Uganda. You may remember it from previous posts: Why Africa? and What the World Needs.

We are returning this fall for what we’re calling the “Deepening” … an intensive time of training for 15 Ugandan leaders and pastors. I am excited to continue my teachings on Character, Integrity, Honor as well as Church & Small Business Development.

However I was taken back by an item in the news this week: Anti-government rebels in the Democratic Republic of the Congo take more ground against government forces, forcing thousands to flee their homes. It’s another story of unrest and death in Eastern Africa, and part of the reason that I believe there is still much work to be done.

But you need to know: Life is Good. And it’s getting better.


Instead of a fatalistic attitude, I believe that the crises in the world are simply invitations for us to get off our duffs and get to work. Whether that is in raising awareness, donating our time or finances, or getting involved by training & sending, or personally getting our hands dirty, there is a place for all of us in the work.

We could adopt the belief that the world is simply sliding into chaos and nothing we do will help… Or we can believe that we were all created for the purpose of saving the lost, healing the sick, or building foundations for future generations.

Because while drastic news headlines and stories of death and war sell newspapers or attract viewers, that’s not the whole story. On the contrary, African economies are growing while European economies are not. Opportunities in Africa are endless; small investments can give entrepreneurs a kick-start that will endure for years to come. And advances in energy, technology, and communications are allowing unprecedented growth across the globe.

The news is good. We Win This Thing.

So now my job is to keep ringing that bell. To keep convincing others that although their televisions, computer screens, and newspapers shout out with stories of sex, death, war, and economic collapse–the truth is that the world is a better place to live than it was 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and last year… So be happy. Smile. Be confident. And let others know that it’s not all bad.

I am still in need of financial help with travel costs to Lira. If you’d like to help offset costs (about $1500 USD total for flights, 5 hour drive from the airport, visa costs, etc.), please contact me or go to g42africa.org/giving to make a donation. Thanks in advance!

Photo Credit: Andrew West/Flikr/Creative Commons