
A Network of Friends

Back in February of 2011, I kicked off my revamped blog with a post entitled, “It Takes A Network.” In it, I stated that there is power in a network of mutually supporting, like-minded people and organizations. I my work, I’ve always said that the greatest thing I bring to the table is the desire […]

Like little boys arm wrestling...

A New Generation of Christian: Secure

This post is part of my “New Generation of Christians” series. If you’d like, you can check out the first posts, Character and Courage. Perhaps the biggest problem facing Christian leaders and ministers today is insecurity. Each of us has our ‘chinks in the armor,’ where we feel the most vulnerable and weak. As this […]

G42 - discipleship training spain

The 42nd Generation (part 2)

In my last post, I talked about the 42nd Generation: a generation who acknowledges their identity and accepts their inheritance as children of God. But then what? Our goal at G42 is to inspire and challenge members of the 42nd Generation–no matter where they are in life, status, age, class, or the world–to live like […]

A sketch of the G42 Network

It Takes a Network

I taught this week on Building a Network, also subtitled “More than you ever wanted to know about Al Qaeda.” I used Al Qaeda as a case study for a “starfish” network that works–although its goals and methods are obviously way out of whack. Held together really only by ideology, not needing a membership form […]