Sorry, but there is a church in the Wild.

CHURCH IN THE WILD. New Church, Part 2.

Sorry Jay-Z, your song has a dope beat, but I know there’s a church in the Wild. Admission: I’ve become an Easter and Christmas church-goer. ¡Gasp! I know. As someone basically raised in the church, attending every meeting and helping my parents before and after every service, this is a huge confession. But “the church […]

Working Weekends

Working Weekends

Last weekend, my family was able to get away from our normal routines. The kids had a four-day holiday from school and through the combination of off-season rates and a generous gift, we were able to stay at a nice hotel about three hours down the coast. We desperately needed the family time, the maid […]

Woman Singing in Church

God’s Timing

I had it all planned out. I was on a mission to find my “perfect Christian” wife. So I went to every evangelical church in Atlanta, Georgia and San Angelo, Texas ( Pretty random, I know, but I was in Air Force training at the time ) looking for Mrs. Right. I would scope out […]

7 Ways to Make Your Vacation Work

I am grabbing my wife, kids, and a car full of popsicles and junk food to embark on our 2nd annual “Spanish Summer Vacation” this Saturday. We live in the south of Spain, so where do we go for vacation? Thirty minutes down the road to a campsite with a pool and a beach within […]

Veneer Book Review

3 Ways to Break the Veneer: A Book Review

Veneer – manufactured product, with a covering that hides the real material inside. Inflates the perceived value of the product by hiding inferior substance underneath. Veneer: Living Deeply In A Surface Society is an enjoyable read that seeks to expose the surface-level lives that many in today’s culture seem to be living in, and then […]

5 Tips for Singles Looking for “The One”

My wife Rebecca and I often find ourselves giving marriage and relationship advice to our single friends, and we’ve noticed one common theme:
You’re Making It Too Hard.
If you find yourself in a place where you think you are ready to find that special someone, you’ve got to relax and Just Be. Here are some tips that I think will help you while you are on the road to finding “The One.”

Our Invisible Life

Please God let me not become invisible. How, you say, could someone become invisible? When our online “lives” encompass so much? Why, I’m on Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn and Flikr and YouTube and MySpace and I have a blog…. And if you add up my Facebook friends and my Twitter followers and LinkedIn whatevers, […]