In the Heat of Battle… With a Family

I’m often asked what it’s like to take your family into the unknown, into risky and uncertain and possibly unsafe situations. Well, I’m not going to sugarcoat it: it’s hard. It would be one thing going on my own, into dangerous situations, or places where I don’t know the language or where the nearest hospital is. But to take my wife, and small children? Sometimes, it really does seem like I am leading a patrol, bullets flying, with my family alongside me. The fact of the matter is that there will be casualties.

Sorry, but there is a church in the Wild.

CHURCH IN THE WILD. New Church, Part 2.

Sorry Jay-Z, your song has a dope beat, but I know there’s a church in the Wild. Admission: I’ve become an Easter and Christmas church-goer. ¡Gasp! I know. As someone basically raised in the church, attending every meeting and helping my parents before and after every service, this is a huge confession. But “the church […]

Working Weekends

Working Weekends

Last weekend, my family was able to get away from our normal routines. The kids had a four-day holiday from school and through the combination of off-season rates and a generous gift, we were able to stay at a nice hotel about three hours down the coast. We desperately needed the family time, the maid […]

Leave a Legacy

What Legacy Are We Leaving?

Legacy. What a loaded word. I’ve been doing research on my family ancestry recently and have been rocked by the stories and legacy that has been revealed. I recommend that you study your own “roots,” and see what legacy you have been left with. For instance: I have two ancestors named John Wesley Hearn. John […]

Woman Singing in Church

God’s Timing

I had it all planned out. I was on a mission to find my “perfect Christian” wife. So I went to every evangelical church in Atlanta, Georgia and San Angelo, Texas ( Pretty random, I know, but I was in Air Force training at the time ) looking for Mrs. Right. I would scope out […]

Five Ways to Promote Yourself

I am in the midst of a pretty big role change at G42, and with it comes some lessons learned that might be useful to you too. Since 2009, I’ve been the behind the scenes tactician at the G42 Leadership Academy, working on everything from paperwork to strategy to curriculum to house maintenance. In the […]

Hearn Family Spain

What a Year! Hearn Family Update 2011

Two thousand and eleven was a great year for the Hearn Family. We are certainly hitting our stride and beginning to flourish in our roles as quasi-missionaries/NGO directors. Here are the highlights: The Family The kids are growing smarter and more beautiful everyday. Ben started preschool (in all-Spanish public school) this September, and is comfortable […]

Relax. A Note To Myself.

  Dear Dave, Slow Down. Enjoy the Moment. Your kids aren’t going to be young forever. One day, they’ll be quiet. One day, they will sit on couches and not jump on them. One day, they will stop coming into your bed. And you’re going to miss the noise, the bouncing, and the snuggles. Ease […]

A Father and Sun

You Won’t Do It. The Challenge of Initiation.

This blog is the conclusion of my series on initiation. You can start the series here: Boys Need An Initiation. I hope you’ve enjoyed this series and been challenged by it. I have. With a 3-year old son, I realize that the lessons I am teaching him now set the foundation for his development in […]